Train your mind for success| How to Achieve more with the average mind?

What is the Negative mindset | How you overcome it?

What will you learn in this post 

  • How to eliminate  distractions
  • Overcome self-doubt and limits
  • Stop negative thinking
  • How to deal with bad moods hard times
  • Turn your monkey mind into concentrated one

It is not the talent but efforts that lead to accomplishment.- Said  "Angela Duckworth" the Genius award-winning psychologist in her GROUND breaking research and popular work on "psychology of success in the book 'GRIT'"

Everyone has ups and downs there is no person who does not have both, even most intelligent persons and geniuses have had more downs times than favorable conditions.

if a person does not meet oppositions he does never find his true potential,

You can not succeed without pain on the path of spirituality. pain taught us a real practical lesson that we will never forget.

"if you have never made a mistake that is a mistake"

Everyone has ups meaning doing good making progress living happy and 
Downs meaning unhappy not liking his work no progress, taking some negative actions instead.
that leaves us on the same plane the law of averages.
So, the difference between excellence and ordinary people is dealing with small setbacks differently.
Successful people do better in their downtimes then average people do. They defended their efforts and hard work from the negative mindset when they meet with opposition and self-doubts. They understand that in a situation I have to be more care-full, and slow down the process but do not lose grip does not panic and no rush, it's ok if I lose the game cool down baby said to their mind. Because of the mind in negative energy play against himself.

My aim is to clarify and understand positive and negative mindsets. Our single brain play both the roles one at a time

You can appreciate your positive actions and pay attention to which action leads you to more satisfaction and make efforts to strengthen it. On the other hand, you are going to defend your efforts your positive thoughts your self-esteem from your negative mindset wrong actions self doubts judgments.
In your hard times, you have to be extra careful because in low energy or in negative energy or destructive energy you are against your self for a temporary state of mind that harms you or can steal your opportunity.

What is the Negative mindset | How you overcome it?

How to eliminate negative thinking.

If /When you want to be freed from any emotional pain, feelings of inferiority, and inadequacy that you have been gone so long that you do not want it anymore whatever it is. you do not like it and you want to eliminate it forever, that this pain is no use anymore.
Sometimes you feel happiness and at the other unhappiness and the fact remains that you do not know what is happening in your brain (mind) over these times.

It is mental (conscious) energy available is low now or turned to be negative. What I mean is that due to strong opposition in your mind for something you do not like emotionally that creating feelings of hate jealous anger disappointment fear anxiety doubts or other negative emotions and feelings.
You should know one thing that it is the same mental and emotional energy you use for your happiness and fun and joy and work when you are in a good mood.

It is not possible to feel happiness and satisfaction when you are entertaining negative thoughts feelings emotions.

To feel empowered happy satisfy you have to divert your conscious attention from negative mental energy to positive energy and peace, you see first in your conscious mind see it. The way you want to feel then concentrate your attention on it. It will not be easy first or second times but by making a conscious effort you will be able to eliminate negative thoughts from your mind one by one.

You feel relaxed comfortable and energetic. You will be working almost effortlessly.

What do you do if your mind is against you?

It happens with every one of us but different people deal with it differently. Experts avoid it at the entrance others live it for a while then with little efforts unbelieve it and free themself from it. But most people live in it forever until it goes away itself.
The good news is that you can unbelieve anything you do not like. You are not going to forget completely but whenever you meet with such condition again it will not be bothering you because you know the truth.

The idea I am suggesting is to be an expert, avoids mental blockage and negative emotions as immediately as you notice them.
You need to understand how your mind acts in different emotional states and how it does when you feel happy, the emotions you like, and unhappy the emotions you do not like.

Understanding your mind and physiology

Brain release neurochemicals to feel better as it does in a bad mood where different neurochemistry plays the same role that is what happens in your physiology when you feel happy or unhappy feelings 
You need to do some mental work and learn it simply from your feeling and thinking that how your mind acts reacts thinks and does in happy as well as unhappy times this is known as mindfulness and self-awareness.

When you are locked in such mental and emotional blocks, you will be able to break the pattern by not acting on it. instead of acting entirely differently. You are acting against your mind because you are in a negative mind and now you know which action leads to where. this is the most difficult act but once you learn the art you will be doing it automatically without any conscious effort.

How you can control negative thinking emotional and mental activities.

Do not attach your self with a negative thinking mind that what action has been done what you are thinking, feeling, and planning to do IS SIMPLY NOT YOU. do not regreet do not blame your self Eliminate such an act entirely from your identity.
this does not mean you have got a license to do anything. if you do not stop the negative acts or eliminate it from your mind and body. the consequences and losses on you you feel pain misery at all. You need to know and understand that this state of mind and body your physiology not fixed its dynamic in nature also a temporary state of mind that you can change it. 

You must also know what is the positive state of mind that you what to be (as your physiology). though it may look unrealistic because your mind is preoccupied with certain information and corresponding memories which justifies what you are feeling right now (negative thoughts and emotions ).

the condition can be different you can feel totally opposite

happier and joyful in any condition. there are many ways but  at one condition that only if you permit your self and influence your mind thought stimuli of feeling good of dopamine of the desired state of mind and to feel better and empowered

Desire backed by faith knows no such word as impossible.

Act the way you wanted to feel.

first, know what motivates and inspires you and how confident you want to feel then act with absolute confidence and complete faith. There is always a certain type of action  that you can take at any time in such a way that your attention is completely absorbed by the action you involve your self 100% your physiology and emotion will follow your action

Using your conscious mind with action in the right direction, increasing positive mental energy, and stopping the flow of negative energy (thinking) by changing neurotransmitters in your brain from negative neurochemicals to positive neurotransmitters throughout your body and you start feeling better and better. practice this in small acts first then to large ones.

But why is your mind goes against you?

first thing you must know why your own mind sometimes plays against you?

it is because of your belief, there are two mindsets the fixed mindset meaning you believe talent and intelligence are innate no amount of effort and practice will help, success belongs to these with gifted talent. and the growth mindset meaning you believe talent and intelligence are merely a starting point practice and efforts make all the difference. Given a detailed explanation by " Carol Dweck" who spent her career studying mindsets.

Do you know that a belief can change the program of your brain

let me explain it to you with an example

If you think "you can" because of the belief says program A in your brain or

If you think "you can not" program B is there and program A is intact.

As you think this is who are you by nature and is the fact in either way A Or B. But that's, not the whole truth though it is only partially true and you are right in either way what you say.

Both programs have power and potential to prove their points but operate on entirely different planes in opposite directions.

At a certain point, you do not believe that you can do a particular thing because of program B.
But you decide to learn to do it. And you are learning and practicing, So program A will be activated in your brain. Now if someone asks you" can you do this? " you say yes almost automatic this is because program A comes in operation as default. Even if you do not know how to a particular thing but because of Program A, you are interested in learning and then you will do it that is belief A. You will not be interested in learning because of program B even an opportunity presented to you that is belief B.

How negative feelings are generated?

You do not have enough energy and willpower to think in the way you wanted to. Your unconscious mind takes over switch on energy-saving and scarcity mode do not lose energy in self-control do whatever feel-good take decision based only on proven old pattern and behaviors leads to a certain outcome.
If you try to control and think in the right way that you want to act. you lose more energy meaning more scarcity more crisis more frustration more pain.

The best way to avoid losses is to know and accept that I am at low energy or in negative energy. wait and be patient take rest then take right and wise decisions take small actions. then feed your self with glucose or food for energy and you will feel balanced. but if you over-excited then control your excitement with the same approach and use your mental and physical energy for a constructive purpose.

Thank you for reading. live a happy and healthy life.
Comment below something you have to say. have a nice day. thank you again.


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