How to handle the most difficult situation immediately? Like an Intelligent Person. A Practical Guide.

How to change your mind to solve a problem instantly?

You can handle any tough or difficult situation instantly If you know the rule of your mind. Once you understand the rule then know you can handle the situation. Any situation like worry doubt fear or depression or it can be financial freedom or Relationships.

Success and failure to solve a problem depending on your response to the situation. If you do not know how to solve the problem and trying to solve it then you are itself is a part of the problem. Do not act on a problem until you are confident to solve it.

Solve any problem instantly like intelligent

The Rule (law) of mind

You do not need to acquire power. you already possess it. But you have to learn how to use it. You must understand it so that you can apply it to all departments of your life. Once you learn the technique and gain the necessary knowledge and understand. You can be inspired by a new light and you generate a new force that enables you to realize your hope and make your dream come true.

Within your in-depth lies power and wisdom. It is waiting for you to give it a chance to its development and express it without. Provided you are open-minded and receptive. Your mind can reveal to you everything you need at every moment of time not only to solve this problem but all the situation now and then. Though invisible, its forces are mighty.

Once you learn to draw out these hidden power and wisdom you move forward in security and joy. There is a miraculous curative force in your subconscious that can heal your troubled mind and a broken heart.

First, you must understand the law of mind, a working basis that is universal in its application and its principles. for example, if you combine two atoms of hydrogen and one oxygen the product you get is water not occasionally but all always. This is what we call the principle.

The rule of mind :

it is your feeling emotion visualization imagination and belief in your mind brings about results negative that you do not like and positives that you desired. 

Stop accepting false beliefs, opinions superstitions, and fears. instead, believe in truths of life that never change.

(The reference: I learn this information from the book, "The power of your subconscious mind" by Dr. Joseph Murphy)

How to deal with a problem? 

The first thing to know that there is a problem then realize what is it exactly and understand. Then analyze the gravity of the situation (its intensity). like how big really is it. and the level of difficulty.
Then the second step is to know, what solution am I offering?  can I handle it? If the answer is yes then this is not the problem anymore. If the answer is NO! (of course ) that's why I come up with a solution for you.

Obviously, the problem is bigger and most difficult, you are dealing with. Here I have a strategy for you with the rule of mind and how it works. 

What is happening when you are facing a problem?

A problem will be a problem (or remain a problem) until you see it as a problem. The very first step is to solve a problem is to change your mindset from looking at the problem as a problem to a situation, then to a challenge that you are going to deal with it and solve it. No matter how big is it.

Because what happens when you see a problem as a problem. your mind is busy with visualization and imagining the possible bad outcomes. you will only focus on the evidence which supports your imagination to be true. Because you are familiar with it in your mind. The negative outcome.

The brain also gives matching responses to your body that we have got a problem. Now there is no fun no, no joy. We have to have sad (see the left side of the above image). Your heart will responses to it by changing the heartbeat rate lowering blood circulation in the body and the brain to be sad. Generating emotion of sadness. Your breathing will be different and you intake less oxygen in each breath to fulfill your belief because you have to sad.

Because of all that you generate feelings and emotions of sadness, worry, and doubts. You will be tired and feel less motivated. The situation is locked in there. There is no way out now. Deal?......... deal!  But, what happens if you voluntarily turn the wheel around?

When you change your mind? 

The very first response is the emotion of hope, then a little relax and then a deep breath and a glass of water. that's it. Now you get little time to think. and you separated yourself from being a part of the problem to someone who may solve the problem. Going a little deeper you see there is a situation a problem and the possible bad outcome may come sooner if you are unable to act in the right way.

But, for now, the problem is not the problem but a job a work to be done that you have to do. Just like you do your regular jobs. Where you have to work. else, your boss will scold at you. and if you do not correct yourself for a long period of time you may get fired. so that's not a big deal everyone knows it. it's common sense we get paid for the work.  Right?

So how you do your job? you do as usual then take breaks then lunch. then you work again. if the work is still left and you have to go somewhere. something important, something urgent like there is a party tonight, or your old friend is coming or you are going for a date. what will you do? you say to your assistant, leave it for tomorrow I do it in the early morning before the meeting or presenting to your boss.

You won't act in a similar way if you are facing a problem. you don't like to go anywhere because you have got a problem a big problem and you do not like to enjoy because you are not happy 

The benefit of taking down your problem from the position of problem to a position as a situation, then to a challenge, then to a work is that now you can take breaks when you get tired in doing it (in solving or searching for a solution). You will have some time so that you regain your will power and confidence. the problem gets a little easier. if something is not so important and urgent you can postpone it for tomorrow or the next few days. You can leverage(some part of the problem) to others who can provide you help in solving your problem. 

In this manner, you break down your big problem in parts. Now you will act only on the most important and urgent part of your problem. You feel little peace and stability so that you can use your mind and skills that you already know and familiar with.

The Most difficult and big problem

let's solve it step by step. Following the rule of mind.

Here we go

The First Step.  Calm down, easy and a deep breath.

Watch your panic. Notice your mind who has locked in a situation. what is he doing?

Step No Two. Divert your focus

Shift your focus to random physical things around you for a moment, and look for something new in the same physical thing that you didn't notice before. Why?
Because in doing so you will be disconnected from your visualization and imagination for bad or worst outcome out of your problem. your mind will be relaxed and get a little rest from panic.

Step No Third. See your self as someone who has the ability and complete authority that can solve the problem

The power of emotion, The power of awareness

Keep this mind Separate from the panicked mind. Making a rough sketch will work better, take your self with the problem to paper. Inspect it thoroughly from every angle like doctor and patient. For now, you are a doctor and the patient is down on paper.

What a doctor does if he does not understand the disease or if he does not have complete medicine. For example, he takes help and advice from other doctors or transfers the case to a doctor who can deal with it. 

Prepare a list by asking questions

How am I doing now when I am facing a problem. how am I worrying? how am I feeling, where am I focusing now? 

This exercise will remove your fear and doubts and will keep you away from the problem as a being a part of the problem

Step No Four:

Now you disconnected your visualization and imagination from a negative outcome. You have the emotion of hope. You removed your fear doubts and worries.

If you can do it successfully which you must, then faith will come if you can hold the emotion of faith for a period of time then your confidence will take its position. you will get your will power back again

Now in the step no4 what we are going to do is acting as if

  • If there is a perfect solution. What, it will be. write your ideal solution. I know, you know that this is not possible otherwise there will not be this problem, it's ok but write it down to the top right corner on the same page and circle it.

You know the rule of mind your visualization and imagination. By doing this exercise, they work for you in arranging evidence to prove your ideal solution be true. 

  • If this can be true. what will you feel in your emotion? why this? Because using the rule of mind. Remember blood circulation and oxygen intake and your brain. playing a trick to make you feel sad. Now you reversed the same situation as intelligent do. he uses these invisible mighty forces to work for him most of the time.
Now you stopped the negative possible impact of your problem on you and on your feelings. And guess what? on your outcomes too.

What was happening with you when you were in a problem you were demanding the highest corporation and support form your mind brain and body. it is giving you the opposite. This generally happening because of negative emotions, disappointment, fear, worry, doubt, and a locked situation like there is no way out.

In this exercise, you may find ideas and support from within and inspiration. If not, just relax give it one more try. if you can do it correctly you will find an answer and a plan to way out, remember what the Genius Albert Einstein said Imagination is more important than knowledge, that's what practical you are doing in this exercise.  

Step No 5 

Now your practical workable plan for this moment 

What are the possible practical workable solutions? figure it out on your own level and remember to feel the feeling of the ideal solution. When you feel relax and rest. This will give you the positive energy needed for the solution to get the result.

Final step 

You did your best. You give thanks to your self, you feel confident hope and faith. now its time to "Set it and forget it". Its time for you to have fun do what you love most. The work still left will be done tomorrow in the early hours of the morning... now its time to party.

Thank you for reading the post. I wish you find a perfect happy solution to your problem. Comment below if you have any thoughts in your mind. have a nice day. thank you.


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