Are you a genius? Do you know that there is nothing wrong with being a Genius!

Are you a genius? 

How to Become a Genius? Do you know, You can be a Genius?

That there is nothing wrong with being a Genius!

It is a mistake, not to feel your little insight genius, creative and intelligent you. Because you know that you are what you think you are, Do you know?  one more, the great genius ALBERT EINSTEIN said "The World As I See It" what does it mean? and the Nikola Tesla most genius ever lived on planet earth (Einstein said so) he said "there is a core in the UNIVERSE from which I receive knowledge, strength, and inspiration" what does it imply. That the genius tag is not reserved. it is available for anyone for you and for me. Your body and your brain are not fixed its dynamic in nature they function according to our thought process and actions (in simple what you think and what you do or doing) that is inside out and our mind is open to the universe. So then What is the Definition of a Genius? 
Are you a genius? 

The Definition of Genius -

Let us find out what constitutes a genius. Some wiseacre has said that a genius is a man who "wears long hair, eats queer food lives alone and serves as a target for the joke makers" No? 

A better definition of a genius is, "a man who has discovered how to increase the vibration of thought to the point where he can freely communicate with the source of knowledge not available through the ordinary rate of vibration of thought"  
-Napoleon Hill in his book "Think and grow rich" 

Now my question for you is "who are you? (i am not asking you name, right?) actually, you don't know neither I. Your identity is Designed by circumstances and the environment around you and the people. If you were born at a different geographical location in a different culture your identity would be different. and that's natural you know.

But the point is 

Do you like it? Are you happy with it? Do you love your self? Are you living a dream life or working to get it? Are you a Hero? Can you Achieve your Goals?
Don't Worry I have something good for you! that these all answer can be yes! I won't say like nothing is impossible (you probably have listened already that ) but practical simple things within your reach which you and I can simply do.

But before that first, you have to be honest with yourself and accept the facts which you already know. Here I am not only saying that you are a genius or you can be one but it can also be a reality that you can be a bad person. Yes! you probably have heard that it doesn't matter what others are saying, do not listen to them or ignore them, yes that's right. But do you know that what you are saying to your self does matter a lot? actually at all. Here the quote fits perfectly that "you are what you think you are" if the answer is not yes for any of the above questions and that is only because of you. Don't worry you are not an enemy to your self. This is natural every one of us is like that.

But why is that so? why am I holding myself back? why I can't do what I wanted to do? why life is not easy? why I can't get what I want? even you are good enough. and the answer is you are not only a genius but there can be a devil's workshop inside of you (referring to all negative thoughts and how you are dealing with it) your doubts inferiority inadequacy worries and fears. It doesn't matter what others say but what you are saying really matters your criticism to your self matters your doubt is not illusion its real your fear is reality your imagination is your future. Once you realize this understand and analyze and then accept it face it deal with it solve it listen to your voice only then the Genius will be born.

Why is that so? why is it so hard? why my self is against me? it should be with me?

Well, these all are obvious questions that come in mind. right? let me explain this to you.
You are not against your self. and this is not hard. Life is not hard. it is because of you selling yourself less than you deserve. you didn't get your worth. You thought this is the way of life as it is. this is who I am. and that is not correct.

It is because you haven't met your creativity, your intelligence, your Imagination, your full capacity, your will power, your awareness, or you might not understand your mind, brain and body functioning. your spirit, your psychology, and spirituality. See, you like it or not they all are in you in me and in everyone else. "you are more than you think you are" you can do much more than you are doing if you are not satisfied in your present. This is not your self against you. it is your feeling, your emotion, your intuition. It is your higher self that craving for adventures in your life. Because you can. you are capable of it. you deserve it.

This is all because of ignorance and delaying or postponing your idea of fulfillment(your dream on only and only you have right). This generates a feeling of I am not doing it. I do not deserve it. I am not capable I am not lucky I do not have it. Or this is because may I am a bad person or maybe God doesn't love me as much as do other good or rich people. According to the Law of Attraction, you are attracting more and more what you do not want or like in your life. You are spending your time in this zone. Which you must leave as soon as you can.

This all can happen with an idea and a Decision. And guess what? you possess both. The mediocrity or poverty or bad health or anything which you do not want or anything which you don't like or anything that you Desired is your choice, yes! your choice because you can make a decision to change it. Not deciding to change what you don't like is a decision and a choice. think for a moment!

But what to do exactly? How to do? What is the right and wrong way? How do I know?  

The ANSWER is simple, you already have it, but it will be revealed to you only from wisdom. The wisdom in doing it. when you genuinely decide and make a kick. The image below may come to your aid 

Genius workshop

How to live a healthy and wealthy life? A life of your choice!

It is possible, we all know (you also heard that ) that is too common. Right? but its soundness depends on HOW?


Our brain is a receiving and a broadcasting station for thought like radio. It attracts similar thoughts that you have. (or you can place a brand new thought and Idea of your choice that the change you want to make,) for example when you feel good everything looks good (most of the time) when you feel bad everything looks bad (sometimes like a hell). Right? so once you decided to do anything good that you want. You placed thought and it will attract similar thoughts. Then you place more such thoughts and take some actions and you will find something good and bad also but this bad is at a higher level (now you knew how to with it) and so on so forth... you make progress. If your Desire is strong enough you make a really good one!
"If you want to find secrets of universe think in term of Energy, frequency and vibrations"- Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla, I love him. He is my guru and Guide

Your body, brain and your appearance are fixed for now. but the mind is not it is open and variable and can be tuned with anything thought of frequency you want. Your feeling and emotions will follow. In this way, you have open-source, the free energy of the universe which will guide you through. trust it. This is the most reliable than anything. One more reality that I personally have discovered for myself is that the books will guide you teach through but the real genius ultimately comes from within, with the help of source or infinite intelligence when you genuinely ask for.

P.S.- I hope this post may help you a little in making your vision, your dream a reality. thanks for reading. I love to hear from you, what you think? or any suggestion you want to make for future posts comment below! your comment is a real appreciation for me. Share with your friends. 
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thank you have a great day!


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